We have taken great steps to protect your privacy and have implemented all security features available to us. We understand that some people still feel that the Internet is still not a secure environment. We offer personal meetings, phone interviews and fax transmissions to those who would prefer an optional method of applying for a mortgage. Please contact us with any concerns you may have.
SECTION ONE: How did you hear about me?
I really appreciate the people that refer their friend and family to me. I like to say thank you to them. Please take a moment to let me know how you heard of me. Thank you!
1. Realtor : No Yes
Which Realtor?
2. Financial Planner : No Yes
Which Financial Planner?
3. Canadian Fist time home buyer book : No Yes
4. Fix my credit new book : No Yes
5. How to save thousands book : No Yes
6. Friend : No Yes
Friend Name:
7. Family : No Yes
Family Name:
8. Other : No Yes
9. Ad or Flyer : No Yes
10. Web Search : No Yes
11. Other : No Yes
12. Directed by mortgage broker : No Yes
We like to say thank you to the people that have referred you to us. Can you please tell us how you found us? Thank you this means a lot to us. SECTION TWO : Tell us about what type of mortgage you need 1. What type of mortgage are you looking for? New purchase Refinance Revenue Purchase Switch or Transfer for renewal
2. When will you need this mortgage? 3. If you are buying a home, how much will you have for a downpayment?
4a. Where will the downpayment come from? Savings RRSP Investments Borrowed funds Gift from family Other
4b. If Other, please specify:
5. Will anyone be Guarantying or Co-signing for you? 6. What is the price of the house you want to buy?
SECTION THREE : Personal Information.
This is a very critical section on the application. We need to have a 3 year history of your employment and where you have lived.
If you can't provide a full 3 years please provide a reason in the final comments section.
Main Applicant Information
Initial :
Social Insurance Number :
Date of Birth :
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Number of Dependents :
Home Phone Number :
Business Phone Number :
Marital Status :
E-mail Address :
Present Address
Do you Rent or Own? How long have you lived here?
Previous Address 1 :
How long have you lived here?
Previous Address 2 :
How long have you lived here?
Current Employer :
Address :
Occupation :
Gross Annual Income :
How long have you been there :
1st Previous Employer :
Address :
Occupation :
Gross Annual Income :
How long have you been there?
2nd Previous Employer :
Address :
Occupation :
Gross Annual Income :
How long have you been there?
Other Annual Income :
Source of Other Income :
Co-Applicant Information
Initial :
Social Insurance Number :
Date of Birth :
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Home Phone Number :
Business Phone Number :
E-mail Address :
Present Address :
How long have you lived here?
Previous Address 1 :
How long have you lived here?
Previous Address 1 :
How long have you lived here?
Previous Address 2 :
How long have you lived here?
Current Employer :
Address :
Occupation :
Gross Annual Income :
How long have you been there?
1st Previous Employer :
Address :
Occupation :
Gross Annual Income :
How long have you been there?
2nd Previous Employer :
Address :
Occupation :
Gross Annual Income :
How long have you been there?
Other Annual Income :
Source of Other Income :
SECTION FOUR : Tell us about your net worth and assets.
Cash in the bank :
Which Bank :
Bank Location :
Principle Residence Value :
(Please complete existing mortgage section below on all mortgages.)
Rental Properties Value : RRSPs :
Stocks & Bonds:
Automobiles :
Please provide Make, Model, Year and Value
Please provide Make, Model, Year and Value Please provide Make, Model, Year and Value
Other Assets (please list items and value) :
Total Assets :
Tell us about your liabilities.
We will be obtaining a credit report and this will provide us with details of accounts. Please provide Account name andamount owed (no account numbers).
Credit Cards :
Credit Lines or Loans:
Mortgage Information: Primary Residence
Who is the current lender?
How much do you still owe on this mortgage?
What is the interest rate?
What is your payment?
What is the renewal date of your Current Mortgage?
What are your annual property taxes?
Rental Property #1
What is the current property value?
Who is the current lender?
What is the full address?
How much do you still owe on this mortgage?
What is the interest rate?
What is your payment?
What is the monthly rent you receive?
Rental Property #2
What is the current property value?
Who is the current lender?
What is the full address?
How much do you still owe on this mortgage?
What is the interest rate?
What is your payment?
What is the monthly rent you receive?
Rental Property #3
What is the current property value?
Who is the current lender?
What is the full address?
How much do you still owe on this mortgage?
What is the interest rate?
What is your payment?
What is the monthly rent you receive?
Do you have any other liabilities? Please list the creditor, amount owing, and payment :
Which bank do you deal with and where is your bank?
How long have you been with this bank?
If you are doing a renewal or switch, when will your mortgage come up for renewal?
Do you have any other comments or important infomation that we should know?
FINAL STAGE : Your Permission to proceed
In this final section we just need you to review this statement and provide us with permission to proceed with your application. We will also need you to sign a consent form before you complete your new mortgage. We will send you a consent form to sign with your mortgage approval.
I/we warrant and confirm that the information given in this application is true and is being used to determine my/our credit responsibility. You are authorized to obtain any information you may require relative to this application from any sources to which you may apply. You are further authorized to disclose in response to direct inquiries from any other lender or credit bureau. I/we agree to indemnify you against and save you from harm from any and all claims in damages or otherwise arising from such disclosure. You are authorized to retain the application whether or not the relative mortgage is approved.
Applicant Name :
Co-applicant Name :
Date you completed this application :
MM slash DD slash YYYY